
Welcome to Swaroopa

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Find your authentic self !

Humans have always tried to decide — the heart or the head? What to listen to? In trying to make a good life on this Earth, humans are oftentimes forced to leave the heart behind and follow the head. From my experiences, however, I have learnt that it is when the heart leads by the Why and the head follows with the How that a fulfilled, content and joyful life unfolds. That is — the Authentic Self - Swaroopa (Swa — One's own, Roopa — form), with the heart - the leader and the head - the follower!

Swaroopa's role :-

I use my intuition, insights, knowledge and wisdom to declutter or bring clarity to your mind as well as the energy of your situation. You'll get a chart analysis, using my intuition, deep research and insights with the grace from my personal Gods (Lalitha Tripurasundari) and ascended Masters.

My intuition, insights, knowledge, life experiences and many different tools including sidereal astrology inform me towards mentoring and guidance: